spinning satellite

spinning satellite
вращающийся спутник

English-russian astronautics dictionary. - M.: Military Publishing house. . 1964.

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Смотреть что такое "spinning satellite" в других словарях:

  • Satellite Business Systems — Satellite Business Systems, abbreviated as SBS , was a company founded by IBM, Aetna, Comsat (and later purchased by MCI), that provided private professional satellite communications through its SBS fleet of FSS geosynchronous satellites, and was …   Wikipedia

  • Spinning dust — or more formally anomalous microwave dust correlated emission is a new galactic emission mechanism proposed to be generated by very rapidly spinning small dust grains. This was first discovered as a by product of CMB experiments which make very… …   Wikipedia

  • satellite communication — Introduction  in telecommunication, the use of artificial satellites to provide communications links between various points on Earth (Earth satellite). Communications satellites relay voice, video, and data signals between widely separated fixed… …   Universalium

  • Lincoln Experimental Satellite — refers to a series of satellites designed and built by Lincoln Laboratory at MIT between 1965 and 1976, under USAF sponsorship, for testing devices and techniques for satellite communication.The series had satellites named LES1 through LES9. They …   Wikipedia

  • Viking (satellite) — Viking was Sweden s first satellite. It was launched on an Ariane 1 rocket as a piggyback payload together with the French satellite SPOT 1, on February 22, 1986. Operations ended on May 12, 1987. Viking was used to explore plasma processes in… …   Wikipedia

  • Television Infrared Observation Satellite — TIROS, or Television Infrared Observation Satellite, was a series of early weather satellites launched by NASA, beginning with TIROS 1 in 1960. The program was extremely successful in proving the usefulness of satellite weather observation and in …   Wikipedia

  • Spin-stabilized satellite — A spin stabilized satellite is a satellite which has the motion of one axis held (relatively) fixed by spinning the satellite around that axis, using the gyroscopic effect.The attitude of a satellite or any rigid body is its orientation in space …   Wikipedia

  • Planck (satellite) — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Planck. Planck Satellite Planck (vue d ar …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Carbon-13 NMR satellite — In an NMR spectrum the presence of 1% of the NMR active carbon 13 species will cause coupling. This will split 1% of the peak into a doublet. These are called satellites as they small and are around the main non coupled peak like little shoulder… …   Wikipedia

  • Marisat — satellites were the first maritime telecommunications satellites and were designed to provide dependable telecommunications for commercial shipping and the U.S Navy from stable geosynchronous orbital locations over the three major ocean regions.… …   Wikipedia

  • D. Lewis Mingori — Diamond Lewis (Tino) Mingori (born June 7, 1938)[1] is an American who was a longtime professor of Mechanical Aerospace Engineering at the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA). He currently serves as a Professor Emeritus.[2] His… …   Wikipedia

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